A Room to call home.
The Writers' Rooms endeavors to help all writers with their craft. We strive to encourage and foster community-sourced knowledge to help lead literary sessions and provide a safe, positive writing environment.
We are Writers Helping Writers
The Rooms are created based on community need. Iowa has many science fiction and fantasy writers, so we created The Violet Realm first to bring people together. As the call for a genre- or topic-based Room grows louder, we aim to find two concierges, leaders, who can support that Room and the people.
Are you interested in imparting your knowledge to the community? During a session, you can lead a lesson about a topic that's specific to that Room. Concierges will still be present, but you can share your knowledge with fellow members of the community! Don't worry, we're here to help you get started. Learn more about how to get involved here.
Are you a writer who needs guidance as you work on your story? Come join one of our Rooms and learn a new lesson each week! These lessons are created both by our concierges and our community. Prompts are provided as well to help you get started.
News From The Rooms...